Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 44: Waiting

Day 44. Waiting.

I have come to realize that is is the waiting season of my life. I have nothing urgent in front of me but a desire to move forward. Hence the waiting. I sometimes have to tell myself I am not stuck. I am just waiting. Waiting to go to a "real" college. Waiting for amazing friendships to occur. Waiting an hour for a 16 ounce coffee (no joke. That happened today). I am just waiting. But it is good. I feel myself growing and excited for whatever God has planned for me. It is frustrating, but good. I can't wait to be out of college right now/married/10 million children/amazing job/proud house owner/superhuman. But I need to stop wanting to fastforward and enjoy where I am. I really, really need to do that. So it is weird. But weird is good. I just need God in my waking. God in my sleeping. God in my working. God in my thinking. God in my hoping. There in my dreaming. God in my watching. God in my waiting. I need Him to be my everything. Just my everything.

Today was another dreary day and to be honest, the darkness is starting to frustrate me. I want weather like we had in October. Sunny, but cold. Once again, waiting. But I spent some much needed time in the Prayer Room in the Broadway building, then came home and helped Ryan build a science project. It looks awesome. Then everyone came home and we watched the Cosby Show. It was real cozy. A much needed ending to my gloomy feeling day.

Oh. Also I want these:

FEATHER EXTENSIONS. They are odd sounding. I know. But I want one (or two) really bad for some reason. Whoooooo knows.

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